You can’t tell that I’m a long time veteran working
journalist , on contrast , I’m a fresh
graduate of a media collage specialized
at journalism , but at the same time I can say that I worked on my self during
this time and wanted to go out to the real working and fighting world, hoping
to get a chance or discover what I’m
capable to do in that field that I’ve chosen
since I was little kid , thinking that this is the right way to become a
writer !, but then turned out to be
childish dream .
Whatever, since my
second year at collage I stared training and working in different media places
and here what I got , first , in the
middle east you are not a journalist tell some organization or a place
confirm that you are journalist ,
you can’t move in a certain place with out your ID , or you could easily got
imprisoned ! , it’s about ID not WORK.
Second, where are you working? Is it nationalistic newspaper, because if it
was, it means that you are even a too old uncreative or old regime Loyalty journalist, welcome to cliché!
Are you working in An opposition or partisan newspaper , be careful , you
could be justified as Tabloid journalist
or just a parties spokesperson , and that will never be in the side of your
benefit in the middle east .
you know from where the shoulder is
eaten then you will find a chance in the independent journalism , but tell me
first , do you have a relatives there , dose your father know the
chief-in-editor ?
you have a strong leading personality that will allow you to get into fights
could be sometimes not moral !, how many
relations you’ve got , how many persons
answers your phone calls when you call , how many parliament member do you know personally , and how many scoop
you made on there scandals , how many times you have told to GO OUT !
many times you called person source news and he/she threaten you that they will
Sues you and your magazine, or ran away from the answers by a useless reasons
or even closed the phone in your face from the first place!
be a journalist in the middle east means that you will have to record every
breath the other person is breathing , because in the next coming second he/she
could say that they didn’t say a word ,
be a journalist in the middle east it means that most of the time you can’t say
to the people around you that you are one or they will just ran from you , you
represents a source of risk and a reflections of every scandal and a disaster
the people would get in .
be a journalist in the Middle East you would have to learn how to be as cool as
ice when you hear an offending word , or
got an offending treat ,
are a journalist and your skin should be much thicker than the other nature
should know what it’s allowed and what is not allowed in other cultures and religions,
places, countries, lows and even constitution!
have to listen to your chief –in-editor even if he/she was an old old old
thinker and do what are saying , while
you are saying “sir , yes sir “!
in the Middle East moves even individual, or in friendly groups , you can find a group in some place and
after a couple of days you find the whole group in the other place not one of
them missing, OMG !
you can find him moving lonely and sensitively, so no one could notice!
middle east there is no Professionalism , there is other criteria , but I
can say that when I see a long time veteran working
journalist , I remember that quote about being like a sponge that can absorb any thing , and let it go easily after .
I feel Pity for them and for my self imagining that this is what I will
become , I feel pity for all the talented
learned journalists who never
found there chance while other who don’t know any thing about journalism are
hired in a well known media places ,
thinking that what they are writing is real journalism !
I feel pity for my childish dream of being a writer, and how the reality of
being journalist in the Middle East Blow it in killing!
But even if that were the ugly truth, you will
have to decide what to do if you made your mind to continue in that field,
because letting go was not one of my childish dreams.
Aya Samir
خلليني أتناقش معاكي الأول، يعني ايه صحفية؟ ، هل على طريقة عادل حمودة؟ مثلا؟ ياخد الخبر الصغير اللي مالوش أهمية ويحط البهارات مثلا؟ ، هل على طريقة هيكل؟ يسكت سنين وبعدين كل ما حد يموت يطلع يقول كان بيعمل وكنت باقوله وماسمعش كلامي.
ردحذف-ده طبعا رأيي فيهم.
هل صحافة الرأي؟، يعني هيلزمك تخصص رفيع وأسلوب مميز وقراءات موسعة ودي مسألة وقت.
أهم من مكان شغلك ، ما تعلمتيه بالفعل من دراستك، ازاي؟ أقولك؟
يعني ما تعلمتيه في الكلية هو مبادئ المهنة وتجارب الأخرين ونظريات، اللي عملوا النظريات والمبادئ والتجارب والدكاترة في الكلية "كلهم أصلا" لا يختلفون عنك كثيرا، وبالعكس أيضا هم من يضعون القواعد كي يلتزم بها من لن يستطيع كسرها أو يضع لنفسه قواعد وقوانين خاصة وأولويات.
- وده برضه رأيي الشخصي.
الفكرة في التدوينة يائسة ومليئة بالمبررات لتيأسي، ولكني أرى أنك كتبتيها ربما لتفهمي أكثر.
- إذن باختصار، اذا كانت الصحافة الحالية عقيمة ولا تناسبك، اجلسي قليلا وفكري كيف تبدأين في صناعة ما يناسبك، يعني مثلا، ليه ما تعمليش كورسات في الصحافة؟ أو حاجة زي كده، وأنا لو تعلمين لا أسخر ولا أقلل من مشكلتك، انما فكري بإيجابية.
ردحذفيمكن أكون ما قدرتش أنقل الى أنا عايزاه فى التدوينه بشكل جيد ، علشان كده وصلك إحساس إن أنا عندى مشكله فى الصحافه نفسها ، الفكره ببساطه ، إنى ما كنتش متخيله مجال العمل نفسه قبل ما ادخل الكليه ، و زى ما كتبت انا كنت فاكره ان هو ده الطريق الصحيح للكتابه ، ولكن إتضح إنهم طريقين مختلفين تماما وإن الكتابه لا تعتمد بشكل أساسى على مجال دراسه معين ، وده بردو لا ينفى تماما إنى بعد كده لاقيت جزء من الى بدور عليه فى الصحافه فعلا.
وبالنسبه لكل السلبيات الى كاتباها فأنا ماعملتش ده بناءا على خيالى ، معظمها نقلا عن حقائق حصلت قدامى ، بحسب خبرتى المتواضعه يعنى /
وبردو مش كل القواعد أو السلبيات دى منعتنى من إنى أعمل موضوع صحفى عايزه اعمله لإنه استفزنى مثلا،و بالتأكيد مش كل تكليفات "رئيس تحريرك" هتستفزك :D
بغض النظر عن الاسماء الى ذكرتها والى رأيى فيها لا يختلف كثير عن رأيك وبغض النظر عن ان التدوينه ممكن فعلا تكون مليئه بالسلبيات الا انها مش يائسه ، لكن إذا صح التعبير يعنى نقدر نقول فيها "حلم ضل الطريق" الى حد ، والكتابه هى سبيلى الى كل شى بالتأكيد.
- فى مسأله "التفكير بإيجابيه " اتفق معك جدا،
اما مسأله "السخريه" فلا مجال لها من الاساس ،
وشكرا على الرد والاهتمام :)